Make a difference with your support to CPACS

four students posing in front of white wall

Gift Options

The University of Nebraska Foundation is pleased to serve as the college’s gift and fund manager. All contributions go completely and directly to the area you designate. Funding is sought to meet student, faculty, program, and building priorities.

  1. Give Online - Click here to go to the University of Nebraska Foundation’s secure website.
  2. Give by Mail - Download the pledge card (in PDF format) and send it to the University of Nebraska Foundation, 2285 South 67th Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68106-2809.
  3. Other Options – Visit with the CPACS representative at the University of Nebraska Foundation, Rebecca Miller, Director of Development, by phone at 531.444.8790 or by email at

Priority Funds

Please visit the University of Nebraska Foundation website or contact Rebecca Miller to discuss other areas of support not listed below that may be of interest.

UNO Fund - Public Affairs and Community Service helps to meet the greatest needs in the college including critical scholarships to students in financial need, faculty research seed grants, and travel support for students to attend academic conferences.

UNO Division of Continuing Studies Fund for Excellence helps meet the greatest needs of the Division of Continuing studies by providing scholarship support, student research awards, and lectureships.

Division of Continuing Studies Wounded Veterans Fund awards scholarships to selected candidates who meet the criteria for being severely wounded in combat as defined by the U.S. Military. This scholarship is open to military service members or veterans and their spouses, enrolled either part-time or full-time in the BGS degree program.

UNO School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Excellence Fund provides assistance to students and faculty for extraordinary needs of the department including research, educational travel, publications, alumni outreach, and general student support.

UNO/UNL Criminal Justice Education Fund provides scholarships and graduate fellowships to students studying criminal justice.

Department of Gerontology Development Fund provides support for Gerontology-specific program enhancements and professional faculty development.

Department of Gerontology's Dr. Chuck Powell Memorial Lecture Series remembers the life and teaching career of Professor Chuck Powell. Gifts help the Department of Gerontology bring renowned experts and experienced professionals to UNO’s campus to enhance the education of students.

Goodrich Summer Scholarship Program offers scholarships for summer school when state support is unavailable.

Goodrich Textbook Scholarship Fund assists students enrolled in the Goodrich Scholarship Program in purchasing books.

Grace Abott School of Social Work Fund provides assistance to students including scholarships, course-related travel, and research awards.

Public Administration Centennial Scholarship Fund was established through the generosity of School of Public Administration alumni to provide scholarships that attract and retain the best and brightest students in the country.

Public Administration Fund for Student and Faculty Support provides program assistance for research projects, student organizational support, guest lectures, and professional faculty development.

UNO Aviation Institute NIFA Fund supports the University of Nebraska at Omaha National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) team.

UNO Aviation Institute Fund for Excellence helps meet the greatest needs of the program such as crucial student scholarships, upgrades of instructional equipment, or bringing guest lecturers to campus.

For information about supporting CPACS and the University of Nebraska, please check out the University of Nebraska Foundation website or contact Rebecca Miller at 531.444.8790 or